Friday, July 9, 2010

they're here...

And they growed, and so forth. The original plan was for Davis and Meredith to be here on the 3rd, but the Non-Revenue Passenger Stand-By Gods did not see fit to provide a plane to Sacramento on Saturday, so they got in - an hour late as a plane in KC was swapped out for mechanicals and an hour late getting to MSP (Minneapolis for those of you who don't know airportese), so they were about an hour late tarmac down into SMF (Sacramento since we're giving airportese lessons here... but KC = Kansas City (I'm too lazy too look up the airport designation for Kansas City right now).

I'd gotten my security pass - ironically from the same Delta counter person that I'd gotten the pass from last July (and she remembered me (that's truly scary if you think about it) - and The Blonde and I retrieved a huge, heavy (and decrepit, the ex has had that suitcase for years and its not really suitable for thrift shop donation at this point, it needs to go to the recycle bin), as she remembered me (that's truly scary if you think about it) suitcase from their luggage story area (as the luggage had gone through on the previous evening's flight), and The Blonde waited in the luggage area of Terminal A, looking extremely cute in shorts and espadrilles while I got electronically frisked and walked to A3 and awaited the flight.

They were the first off of the plane this time (one of the perks of flying non-revenue is often the empty seats are in first class, so they flew first class), and it felt great to hug my kids after having not seen them for a year. Both had grown; Meredith is not so tiny anymore although she's still tiny, Davis has grown so much that when I leaned over to hug him, my chin bumped the crown of his head. He's a stocky kid, and tall for his age, he's going to be basically a much bigger version of me when its all said and done.

While I was hugging, the Ex and her new husband (actually, the same old BF, but they hauled off and got married recently) strolled off the plane. I think we stood there all of 20 seconds; he's a hedge over 6' and didn't say anything - at least until I looked at him and said "Hi Ken, its nice to see you." She handed me an envelope with summer reading and health insurance card info in it, I said "We gotta roll. See you later!" and got the hell out of there. No sense in having any awkward moments.

Do I feel insecure or anything in not being married to her anymore? Um, no. LOL... there's just no reason to hang out. Although if The Blonde had not been waiting downstairs, and since The Ex And Her Husband were going to catch the flight back to MSP as soon as it flip flopped in 20 minutes (which is what they did), we could've grabbed a bite to eat in the terminal, but no matter. I think I would have enjoyed the awkwardness, though. I think I have a rather twisted sense of humor - or perhaps it is irony.

They've also matured a great deal in the past year (well, to be expected when you go from 7 to 8 and 9 to 10 respectively). Davis was *so* surly and whiny at times last year; this year, he's pretty sunny nearly all the time and more outgoing. He's also much more comfortable on his scooter (they brought their scooters in the suitcase) and has taught himself to ride a bike. Meredith's base personality has always been more sunny and outgoing than his; but she has adopted the surly role this year - although I'll take a surly Meredith over a surly Davis any day of the week.

We've kept the time so far pretty low key. I have them in a "fun" summer school at one of the local Catholic schools; he's taking Chess and Lego Engineering and she's taking Bead Works and Guitar. I have been very impressed with the stuff she's brought home so far; its beautiful. She has obviously inherited my Mom's artistic sense (and unfortunately, love of gaudy color, but she uses it well). Tomorrow we are going to a bead show locally (well, perhaps The Blonde and Meredith are, plus a neighbor girl - I'm been pressing Davis for some one-on-one guy time together; I think he needs it with me right now. Meredith has a tendency to monopolize Daddy at his expense). Beyond that, I really don't have the weekend planned out all that much right now...

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